Thursday, September 27, 2012

Salad Spinner Art

We've tried many different kinds of spin art -- with old record players, paper plates, and even a battery-powered spin art machine -- but I believe that my favorite way to do spin art is with a salad spinner.

We tried both watercolor and tempera, and I like the tempera better because it's more dynamic and shows more of the movement of the paint.  We used primary colors this week with some purple glitter on cut out squares of construction paper and mat board.

The one above looks to me like some winged creature flying high up into the cloudy sky.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tempera paint thickened with flour and glue.
An assortment of cardboard cut-outs and cones.
Bag of sequins from Salvo.
Big thick brushes and mini rolling pins.

What a delight to work in a place
Where art is being made every day
By people unafraid to play with paint.

Friday, September 14, 2012


press the crayon onto the foil
that's covering the warming tray
it's hot like a stove
"it is a stove" says one kid
learn what melting wax feels like

a drawing in the shadows
at the edge of the "graffiti table"
just the right amount of yellow
to make it come alive
perhaps a nose, a pair of eyes